Saturday, November 27, 2010

Star Wars?

I needed to post a new blog, since I haven't in a loooong time. I think I am getting lazy. Or maybe I am just tired from school and such. But, anyway, here goes. I hope it's not too bad.

I am sitting on Sister's couch. By myself. Watching Star Wars. I have never watched Star Wars before, and I have no idea what is going on. Except right now, Anakin (?) is burning up in a fire. Obi Won did it to him I think. I'm not real sure.And I think Anakin's wife is dying. I have always thought that the little green guy is so cute. Yoda is his name I just learned. I just want to pick him up and cuddle.

I was talking to Sister's boyfriend, before he left for work, and he told me that Anakin's wife has twin babies and they grow up apart, and then they fall in love and then realize they are bother and sister. Ew. There is really something wrong with that. I remember watching a Discovery Channel special about love and sex and all that jazz. It was a while ago, but I remember the narrator explaining that every person has a specific scent, whether we realize it or not. It is not a stinky scent exactly, but more like pheromones, in order to attract the opposite sex.

On a side note, Anakin just got his Darth Vader mask and his wife died.

Now back to the show I was talking about. It stated that we are only attracted to people whom's scent we like. It can be subconscious or not, but we usually do not find our relatives' scents sexually attractive. So that hinders siblings and cousins and such from reproducing together.

So, therefore, there must be something wrong with the twin babies from Star Wars. Luke and Leia. It's just not biologically correct for siblings to fall in love. I am glad they figure it out before they have drater babies.

Read drater backwards and you can figure out what it is. And don't judge me. It was actually Mother who came up with it. I love her. She calls herself a "word smith." She is so clever.

UPDATE (12/02/10): This is why I want to cuddle with Yoda.

 Ohhhh yeaaaa. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It is such a strong word. And I feel as if it is very prevalent at the moment.

The semester is closing down. Finals are coming up. We, my other classmates and I, are getting sick of sitting in the same room. Day in and day out. Listening to the same boring lectures everyday. Or at least I am.

The Student Nurse and I are getting tired of each other's company as well I think. We are barking at each other like mad dogs for no reason every other day. I know it's not because we hate each other, but just more that we are so tired of school and want to spend time with our families for a little while and get out of our apartment. It's not so bad.

I also feel that I am angry at everyone for no reason. The car in front of me is not going fast enough. The lady in the grocery store is taking up too much room looking at the broccoli. I NEED THE BROCCOLI AND SHE NEEDS TO GET OUT OF MY WAY! My car is too cold in the morning and won't heat up fast enough. My clothes need to be washed AND I DON'T WANT TO DO IT RIGHT NOW! That's how I feel about it in my head. With the upper-case letters and all. Horrible, I know.

So, I need the break coming up. School is hard and time-consuming. And tiring. And stress-inducing. I think from now, until the end of the semester, every time I get angry and I know that is it because I'm tired and taking my stress of school out on someone or something else, I am going to picture this picture in my mind.

We will see how well this goes. Wish me luck! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Classical Music...and Puppies!

The Student Nurse told me that she read once that listening to classical music increased a person's test scores by 5 points. So I Googled well known classical songs, because I don't want to listen to anything I'm unfamiliar with. I just ended a sentence with a preposition. And I'm not going to change it. I may have hovered over the back button just then so go back and change it, but I decided that this is my blog and I can end sentences with prepositions if I want to. So there. HA! I did it again.

Anyway, I want to relay a conversation The Student Nurse and I had just a few minutes ago.

Me: I love this puppy! Look at it!

*So I showed her this pic of my friend's new puppy. The puppy's name is LuLu. My friend's name will be Pixie. She always has the cutest short hair, so it fits. She is also feisty. Anyway...

The Student Nurse: I hate puppies.

Me: *stares with huge eyes brimming with tears and quivering lips*

The Student Nurse: What?

Me: I can't believe you just said that.

The Student Nurse: I just don't want you wanting a puppy.

Me: Too late for that.

The Student Nurse: I would feed it a hambone. *this is relevant because she had just previously told me a story about how one of her professors fed her small 2-year-old dog a huge hambone and then had to end up taking it to the vet because it was vomiting and pooping blood, only to find out that the hambone had shredded in the dog's intestines and was cutting it*

Me: You are evil. *I'm not sure if I actually said that, as I can't exactly remember what I said at this point because I was in utter shock, but this is surely what I was thinking*

Right at this moment in the conversation, as I said something like, "You are so terrible" in the meanest way possible and with a look of "You should burn for that", Beethoven's 5th Symphony started to play. If you aren't familiar with this piece, I'm posting a link for it below so you can get the full effect of how epic this moment was.

This basically made my night.

Oh, and I am really excited I'm finally starting to figure this thing out and that now I can make it interesting with pictures and such. Go me!

Beethoven's 5th Symphony

I've Learned How to Insert Pictures!

This is from The Student Nurse and I's date night at Panera Bread last Friday. We were there for about 4 hours. Doing homework. I think we are such a fun couple. :)

Here are some more pictures for your enjoyment.

This is our "We are pretending to be just about dead, but we still think we look kinda cute" look. I think it is quite nice.

So besides studying all night at Panera on Friday, I had a Harry Potter movie marathon weekend with two of my other friends. That is literally all I did this weekend. We watched all six movies. ALL SIX OF THEM. In a row, over tow days. Yea, we are pretty much beasts.

But we were only getting prepared for the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, on Thursday night. I have midnight tickets. I feel as if my life has no purpose until Thursday night. My life has been leading up to this event.

The Student Nurse wasn't too happy about me having my Harry Potter weekend. She wondered how I could get away with it, seeing as how I am in grad school and all, and I should just be studying my butt off all the time. But here is my answer to that: I don't want to go crazy. What good is a Doctorate degree going to do me, if I have lost my mind on my way to it? Nothing. So, if I must spend one weekend doing just what I want to do in order for me to keep my sanity, I'm going to do it.

Anyway, in other news, there are only eight more days until I get out of school for Thanksgiving break. And yes, I did just have to look at a calendar to figure that out. No, I don't have a countdown right now, but I think that would be a fantastic idea. Something fun to add to my desktop. I'm going to get on that.

The Student Nurse and I are going out tonight to celebrate her passing a huge test this morning. We have date night often. It keeps our relationship fresh.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fortune Teller

I think I am beginning to foresee the future.

I'm completely serious.

I had a dream...on Saturday night. I dreamed about a guy I will call Famous Boy. This guy is actually famous. He is in a band, not really a well-known band, but well-known enough that the band was on MTV once. Which is cool. And I know Famous Boy through association with Sister and Mother. Sister knows Famous Boy because they went out (?). And Mother nows Famous Boy because she works with Famous Boy's mother. Awesome, yea? I know famous people through the Six Degrees of Separation. Gotta love it.

But anyway, back to my dream. I dreamed that Sister and I went to a concert of Famous Boy's band. We were having a great time, music was fun and loud and we were happy. After the concert, Sister and I went to go talk to Famous Boy. Sister told Famous Boy that she wanted to sing for the band. She can actually sing pretty well, so this was not an absurd request. So Famous Boy told Sister that he woud be happy for her to sing in the band. We got all excited and I got out my camera and then Sister and Famous Boy's band started to practice together while I took pictures. It was a great dream, exactly what a dream should be. I woke up happy, unlike most dreams I wake up from in a cold sweat and then I can't go back to sleep. Like the night right after this one.

I digress. By Sunday afternoon, I had forgotten all about the dream I had the night before. The Student Nurse and I were out trying on dresses we couldn't afford to buy and I get a text message. I whip out my cell phone and the message is from FaceBook. It was a new friend request. Guess who?

Yep, that's right. It was Famous Boy. I was so freaked out because just then the dream came rushing back into my memory. I was stunned. Of course I told The Student Nurse about it and she said, "I wish I had dreams like yours."

Famous Boy and I are now FaceBook friends. :-)

But here is the scary part. The next night, I dreamed that my apartment was robbed wile I was visiting family. Robbed right down to the furniture, everything was gone. I woke up with an intense feeling of loss and sadness. It wasn't a fun dream. And I surely hope that doesn't happen in real life. But there was one main difference. In my dream, the time period was Western. The Famous Boy dream was present day. Maybe I have been watching way too much Dr. Quinn.

So my dilemma now is this: how do I control my powers of foresight? If I dream about it, it might happen. Or something similar might happen at the least. Hopefully I will keep dreaming in past eras. That would be ok with me. I like how the men looked back then. Especially if they all looked like Sully and Matthew.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Such a Baby

It is just a little after 6pm. I have eaten dinner, thanks mostly to The Student Nurse, and I am ready to go to bed. I have been awake for less than 12 hours, and I am exhausted. Completely pooped.

I must have a deficiency somewhere right? This isn't normal! Maybe it's pharmacy school. I have a t-shirt ordered actually that says, "Caution: Pharmacy School may make you drowsy." That's for dern sure.

So, I have decided that I am going to do my homework, and go to bed. Hopefully I will be zonked out by 9pm. Good goal, huh?