Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fortune Teller

I think I am beginning to foresee the future.

I'm completely serious.

I had a dream...on Saturday night. I dreamed about a guy I will call Famous Boy. This guy is actually famous. He is in a band, not really a well-known band, but well-known enough that the band was on MTV once. Which is cool. And I know Famous Boy through association with Sister and Mother. Sister knows Famous Boy because they went out (?). And Mother nows Famous Boy because she works with Famous Boy's mother. Awesome, yea? I know famous people through the Six Degrees of Separation. Gotta love it.

But anyway, back to my dream. I dreamed that Sister and I went to a concert of Famous Boy's band. We were having a great time, music was fun and loud and we were happy. After the concert, Sister and I went to go talk to Famous Boy. Sister told Famous Boy that she wanted to sing for the band. She can actually sing pretty well, so this was not an absurd request. So Famous Boy told Sister that he woud be happy for her to sing in the band. We got all excited and I got out my camera and then Sister and Famous Boy's band started to practice together while I took pictures. It was a great dream, exactly what a dream should be. I woke up happy, unlike most dreams I wake up from in a cold sweat and then I can't go back to sleep. Like the night right after this one.

I digress. By Sunday afternoon, I had forgotten all about the dream I had the night before. The Student Nurse and I were out trying on dresses we couldn't afford to buy and I get a text message. I whip out my cell phone and the message is from FaceBook. It was a new friend request. Guess who?

Yep, that's right. It was Famous Boy. I was so freaked out because just then the dream came rushing back into my memory. I was stunned. Of course I told The Student Nurse about it and she said, "I wish I had dreams like yours."

Famous Boy and I are now FaceBook friends. :-)

But here is the scary part. The next night, I dreamed that my apartment was robbed wile I was visiting family. Robbed right down to the furniture, everything was gone. I woke up with an intense feeling of loss and sadness. It wasn't a fun dream. And I surely hope that doesn't happen in real life. But there was one main difference. In my dream, the time period was Western. The Famous Boy dream was present day. Maybe I have been watching way too much Dr. Quinn.

So my dilemma now is this: how do I control my powers of foresight? If I dream about it, it might happen. Or something similar might happen at the least. Hopefully I will keep dreaming in past eras. That would be ok with me. I like how the men looked back then. Especially if they all looked like Sully and Matthew.


  1. I'm a time traveler and your a fortune teller. We're just a couple of super heros!
