Saturday, October 30, 2010

CareNet Banquet, The Student Nurse, Pancakes, and Cleaning

I'm back. Back in a better mood that is. Sometimes I just get down in the dumps. But it's over now. Thank goodness. =)

So since I posted last, absolutely nothing interesting has happened. I've been to school. I've done homework. I've slept and ate. Oh, and I got really dressed up yesterday and went to a nice banquet that The Student Nurse invited me to.

The banquet was for CareNet PRCs. It was nice. Virginia's Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, was the keynote speaker. I was surprised that a man that was publicly voted into office was such a bad public speaker. I was disappointed actually. He seemed nervous and it just felt awkward at times.

The food was also kind of disappointing. There was UN-sweet tea. Which is weird. But I suppose since it was in Northern Virginia they don't do the Southern sweet tea thing (?). The salad was really yummy. The entree was grilled chicken and mashed potatoes and asparagus. I love asparagus. I was happy. Although the 'taters where hard. But then the cheesecake for dessert was pretty good.

The whole time we were eating during the banquet, there was wait staff picking up plates and refilling drinks and things like that. I couldn't help but think, "Gosh, I know exactly what that's like." I worked in a restaurant in a state park for three summers in a row. I did plenty of banquets in my time there. I tried to be as nice to the wait staff as I could because I know what it's like when a bunch of rich people are eating and talking and not wanting you to bother them, but you have to do your job. I know. I've been there.

I liked the director's (of CareNet) speech the best. She seemed very genuine and told good stories that exemplified the purpose of CareNet. I teared up a little I will admit.

But, the best bestest part was....putting on a nice dress and heels. I love getting all dressy and parading around like I'm something special. I felt great. My hair looked good (except it was static-y and was angering me) and my make-up was phenomenal, if I do say so myself. Although I could barely stand to walk in my heels by the end of the night (even though we were sitting most of the time), I was happy.

As we were driving home from the banquet last night, The Student Nurse and I had about an hour to sit in the car. We had a really good conversation about controversial issues and our different stands on them. I'm really happy that I have a friend that I can talk to about these issues, and she still respects me after hearing how I think. Not many people are like this. It's either their way or the highway. But The Student Nurse and I can agree to disagree. I like it.

But she can be crazy. Like the other day, I was trying to take a nap. The Student Nurse comes into my room and hops on my bed and starts panting. Panting for goodness sakes. Like a dog. The she says, "I'm a puppy, I'm a puppy! Play with me!" I wish I was making this up. She wouldn't let me nap either. It was like she needed attention or something...

Here is another example of being just plain weird. This morning, I was still asleep in my bed and The Student Nurse comes in and gets under the covers of my bed, pushing me to the other side. This isn't the weird part. The odd part is that she wanted me to get out of my bed, while she was still laying there. What. The. Heck.

But then I made pancakes with mint chocolate chips and the world was right again.

Until I started to have a clean-freak moment and swept and mopped the kitchen. I also did all the dishes, put the dirty kitchen rugs in the washer, cleaned my bathroom (including getting on my hands and knees and cleaning the floor), and picked up the living room a bit. I don't know where this comes from sometimes. Most of the time I am OK with the clutter and I always feel like the dishes can wait. I have better, more important things to do in life than worry about the dishes and such. But then I get in these moods and I run around cleaning everything.

Alrighty, enough randomness for one post I do believe.

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