Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Beginnings

In the spirit of the season, and the start of a brand new year, I'm going to do something I don't usually do.

I'm going to write out my resolutions. Maybe this way, they might stick for longer than a month. I think I will have 11 resolutions, to go along with 2011.

1. Go to the library more and watch less T.V. Yes, I want to be even more of a dweeb, and I don't want my brain turning to mush.
2. Exercise more. I want to have nice arms in time for summer tanks.
3. Eat more fruits and veggies. This is a given.
4. Go to bed by 11:00 pm on school days. Hopefully, this will kick my nap habit...
5. Be friendlier. I want to be able to strike up a conversation with the cute little old lady in front of me at the store.
6. Practice relaxation techniques, like deep breathing. I don't want to feel like I am having a panic attack before a big test anymore.
7. Worry less. This one is kind of a big one (see former post). It might be the hardest and take the most out of me. But, there it is.
8. Keep my room and bathroom cleaner. I think it would greatly help reduce stress.
9. Have patience. In a world of instant gratification, I want to be able to slow down and enjoy the ride, not just the destination.
10. Make some new friends (i.e. boys :D). Self explanatory.
11. Find more joy in my life and appreciate the little things, as well as the big things. I want to be more thankful for all the good things in my life, that far outweigh all the bad things.

I have one little extra resolution that doesn't quite go with all the others. I want to convince The Student Nurse to let me get a cat.

1 comment:

  1. I like all of your resolutions, but I cannot believe you would air our dirty laundry about the cat here on the interweb!
