Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Must Be Getting Old

I feel as if celebrities, or people who could possibly one day become a celebrity, are just getting younger and younger. For instance, this young fella, Greyson Chance.

This kid is really good, don't ya think? He definitely has great potential, and will probably eventually get signed to a record label. Whether or not he becomes really famous is up to chance, no pun intended. I mean, no one thought Lady Gaga was going to be around long, but look where she went. She can show up to the Grammys in an egg and everyone thinks it's fantastic. She can wear a dress made out of meat for goodness sakes.

So anyway, back to my original ranting. Greyson Chance is just too young. I think I read somewhere that he is 11. He's only been in double digits for 2 years people. If he does make it to the big time, I just pray that the media doesn't try to make him into a sex idol. Let's take Justin Bieber for example. His birthday is tomorrow actually. How old will he be? Seventeen. He isn't even old enough to vote, or join the military, but he is influencing teens, and older folks too, everywhere. And young girls everywhere are swooning over him left and right.

If I said that Justin Bieber was hot, that would be wrong. If I said that Greyson Chance was going to be a real heart-throb when he gets older, that could be considered cradle robbing. I'm not into all that you know.

Let's start a movement to get some young 20-somethings on the scene. I would really appreciate that.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hi...It's Been a While

It's been about two weeks since I last posted anything. I have been thinking for about a week how long it has been since I blogged, but I just kept putting it off. It really is harder to get started again once you stop for a little while.

But, here I am world. I feel like I don't have a whole lot to talk about. Have you ever felt like you are just going through life and your daily routines on auto-pilot? I feel as if that's how my past two weeks have been.

I get up. I think about when I can take a nap. I get ready for school. I make my lunch and make my coffee and run out the door. I sit in class for about 7 hours a day. I come home and hopefully take a little nap. Then I wake up an hour later and feel bad for taking a nap and wasting so much time. So then I have dinner, either making it myself or eating whatever The Student Nurse fixes. Then homework. Then shower. Then a little TV time in bed. Lights out.

That is what I've been doing every day. Without even really thinking about it. I am getting in the groove of the semester and my routine is getting old. Don't get me wrong, I love to have a plan and know what's going on and when, but I need a little variety in my life. This is just ridiculous.

My life is void of excitement right now. I need something to add spice. Any ideas?