Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Night Woes

I am studying. Or trying to study. I don't think I actually know how to study. Highschool was a joke; undergrad was a teeny baby step up. Now, grad school is kicking my butt. It has really been a shock.

But the point is this: it is a Friday night and here I am , curled up on the couch with The Student Nurse, studying by candle light, inhaling vanilla scent. We don't even have the TV on. And I really want the chocolate cake in the fridge with a huge scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

My life has gone horribly wrong somewhere.


  1. This is what is going to get you the big bucks later in life. =)

  2. I hope so Katie. If I can make out of this alive that is....

  3. I don't think your life has gone horribly wrong. Chris and I got home last night and I was like "The parking lot is empty" and he says, "Yeah, cause everyone is out partying." I just thought to myself, "Yeah, and I spend my Friday nights doing homework." It'll be okay, like Katie said, when you're done, you will be a BALLA!
