Sunday, October 24, 2010

Movin' On Up!

I have been studying all day. Literally from the time I woke up, at about 10:30, until now. I will admit I took a short break to eat dinner. But that's about it. I have an exam tomorrow that is probably going to give me angina. And then I'm going to have a heart attack and die right there in class during the exam. I bet the professors will feel real bad about giving us so much material then. Or they might just think that one down isn't really a big deal.

On another, more positive note, a few minutes ago I was checking my stats for this blog. A few pageviews today. Nothing major. Until I saw that I had a page view from Canada, or Canadia, as the Guidos on Jersey Shore would say. Yes, I admit I watch that too. I guess I just have a very eclectic TV show preference.

A view from freakin' Canada! I have a worldwide audience now. I feel pretty good about that. Let's keep this up.
