Monday, November 15, 2010

Classical Music...and Puppies!

The Student Nurse told me that she read once that listening to classical music increased a person's test scores by 5 points. So I Googled well known classical songs, because I don't want to listen to anything I'm unfamiliar with. I just ended a sentence with a preposition. And I'm not going to change it. I may have hovered over the back button just then so go back and change it, but I decided that this is my blog and I can end sentences with prepositions if I want to. So there. HA! I did it again.

Anyway, I want to relay a conversation The Student Nurse and I had just a few minutes ago.

Me: I love this puppy! Look at it!

*So I showed her this pic of my friend's new puppy. The puppy's name is LuLu. My friend's name will be Pixie. She always has the cutest short hair, so it fits. She is also feisty. Anyway...

The Student Nurse: I hate puppies.

Me: *stares with huge eyes brimming with tears and quivering lips*

The Student Nurse: What?

Me: I can't believe you just said that.

The Student Nurse: I just don't want you wanting a puppy.

Me: Too late for that.

The Student Nurse: I would feed it a hambone. *this is relevant because she had just previously told me a story about how one of her professors fed her small 2-year-old dog a huge hambone and then had to end up taking it to the vet because it was vomiting and pooping blood, only to find out that the hambone had shredded in the dog's intestines and was cutting it*

Me: You are evil. *I'm not sure if I actually said that, as I can't exactly remember what I said at this point because I was in utter shock, but this is surely what I was thinking*

Right at this moment in the conversation, as I said something like, "You are so terrible" in the meanest way possible and with a look of "You should burn for that", Beethoven's 5th Symphony started to play. If you aren't familiar with this piece, I'm posting a link for it below so you can get the full effect of how epic this moment was.

This basically made my night.

Oh, and I am really excited I'm finally starting to figure this thing out and that now I can make it interesting with pictures and such. Go me!

Beethoven's 5th Symphony