Monday, November 15, 2010

I've Learned How to Insert Pictures!

This is from The Student Nurse and I's date night at Panera Bread last Friday. We were there for about 4 hours. Doing homework. I think we are such a fun couple. :)

Here are some more pictures for your enjoyment.

This is our "We are pretending to be just about dead, but we still think we look kinda cute" look. I think it is quite nice.

So besides studying all night at Panera on Friday, I had a Harry Potter movie marathon weekend with two of my other friends. That is literally all I did this weekend. We watched all six movies. ALL SIX OF THEM. In a row, over tow days. Yea, we are pretty much beasts.

But we were only getting prepared for the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, on Thursday night. I have midnight tickets. I feel as if my life has no purpose until Thursday night. My life has been leading up to this event.

The Student Nurse wasn't too happy about me having my Harry Potter weekend. She wondered how I could get away with it, seeing as how I am in grad school and all, and I should just be studying my butt off all the time. But here is my answer to that: I don't want to go crazy. What good is a Doctorate degree going to do me, if I have lost my mind on my way to it? Nothing. So, if I must spend one weekend doing just what I want to do in order for me to keep my sanity, I'm going to do it.

Anyway, in other news, there are only eight more days until I get out of school for Thanksgiving break. And yes, I did just have to look at a calendar to figure that out. No, I don't have a countdown right now, but I think that would be a fantastic idea. Something fun to add to my desktop. I'm going to get on that.

The Student Nurse and I are going out tonight to celebrate her passing a huge test this morning. We have date night often. It keeps our relationship fresh.

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute. For real. But I'm rather sad I wasn't in any of these pictures. And, grad school students aren't the only ones that need to keep their sanity. All students do. haha
