Monday, January 3, 2011

In The Market

I love to cook. And bake. And eat.

But this hobby of mine is starting to get me in trouble. Well, not really me, people mostly love what I cook and bake, especially my sweets. But my waistline is in trouble. And my hips aren't too happy with me either.

Thus, I need a new hobby. One that will not make me hate myself later for indulging too much.

My mother suggested buying a set a free weights and using them when I feel the urge to bake. That way, I could get my mind off wanting to bake and be doing something good for me too.

Sorry Mom, but that doesn't sound like fun to me.

I need instant gratification. When I'm cooking and baking, I can see my finished product just a little while after putting in the work.

So, I'm looking for a new love, a new hobby. Suggestions?


  1. Next time you feel the urge to bake, go shopping to your favorite clothing store instead and try on clothes. That will squelch your appetite for food quickly and provide some fun at the same time.

  2. I like that idea muuuch better than Mom's!

  3. That's not a bad idea as long as you don't actually buy the clothes. If you actually buy the clothes then your bank account will scream at you!
