Sunday, January 2, 2011


I am up way earlier than usual right now because my dog woke me up to go pee by literally staring at me with piercing eyes until my internal radar went off and I woke up. It was really creepy...

Anyway, since I am awake and can't get back to sleep, I decided to watch The Discovery Channel. It was a serious mistake this early in the day. The show I'm watching is called "Nasty by Nature." Great, right?


I just watched a lizard shoot blood out of its eyeballs. Blood squirting from the eyeballs people! Want to see a picture? OK!

It is really awful. The lizard lives in the desert and will only squirt blood out of its eyeballs when it is being attacked. And only when it is being attacked by animals in the canine family, dogs and coyotes especially.

Now, since I spent so much time on the blood squirting lizard, the show is showing me maggots. Maggots can, apparently, breath out their butt. How convenient right? They never have to stop eating! But just imagine if you breathed out of your butt; you would take air in the same hole you let poo out? You would probably always be saying, "What is that smell?" And instead of the usual joke (or at least usual where I live) people say, "Your upper lip!", they would say something like, "Your butt!", and they would be correct.

Ah, commercial break. Time for me to put in a thing that I think is just plain nasty and there is no use in the world for them: slugs. What do they do except for leave a slimy snot trail where ever they go? I don't think they eat dead stuff like maggots, or eat bad bugs like spiders (which I REALLY do not like either).

So they are pointless. Except to watch them wither away when you pour salt on them. That might be cruel, but if anyone can tell  me a good, natural use for slugs, I will gladly stop murdering them.

The show is about half over right now. Eels that produce slime where just highlighted. That doesn't gross me out as much as slugs. Yes, i understand that slime is slime, but these eels at least eat dead fish in the ocean. So there is a use for them. Slugs don't do anything.

The Bot Fly! I remember in my microbiology class two semesters ago, we watched a show called "Eaten Alive." The Bot Fly was featured. The Bot Fly lays its eggs on the backs of mosquitos, which will then bite something and transfer the eggs into the flesh of the victim. Then the Bot Fly larvae will grow. The larvae have this little breathing tube that it sticks out of the skin so it can breath.

The man on "Eaten Alive" had a Bot Fly larvae in his stomach. He liked it. He wanted to keep it as his pet. He even named it something like Frank. That is, he liked it until it almost killed him. Then of course he had to get it removed.

So, on this show this morning, this guy who works in a marshy field everyday has to deal with Bot Fly larvae in him a lot. They even featured how he gets rid of them: place duct tape over the breathing tube overnight so the larvae will suffocate, then squeeze the skin around the larvae like a pimple and get it out. Oh gosh, I'm gagging just thinking about it.

Ok, I seriously think that is enough for one post.

P.S. I just googled pictures of Bot Flys to find one to post in here, and I had a hard time keeping my scrambled eggs with cheese I consumed for breakfast about 30 minutes ago down. Goggle it yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you.

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