Ladies and gentlemen! Come right up and take a seat; it's story time!
This is a rescue mission people. A straight up rescue mission. Of my pharmacy school name tag. A name tag? Yes. My name tag needed rescuing today. And here is the account of how I, along with semi-help from The Student Nurse, saved it.
I had a lab today, Pharmaceutics to be exact. We compounded capsules. It was great! I had never done anything like that before and it was so fun. I just love pharmacy school. I get to have so many great experiences that I wouldn't get to have anywhere else. But that's not the point. Or actually, it lends to the point because in this lab, I have to wear a lab coat every time we meet. On my lab coat, I have to wear a name tag. My name tag is very special because it has my name on it (duh) and the name of the school, and it just looks super fancy. I really love it. It makes me feel kind of superior...
Anyway, The Student Nurse came to school with me when I had to go to lab. She was going to sit in the computer lab and do homework and such while I was in class. Two hours later, and I am done with lab. I took my lab coat off, but left my name tag clipped on. It is important to note here that my name tag is two pieces and held on clothing by a magnet.
So I walk into the computer lab and sit beside The Student Nurse. In the computer lab, there is a long countertop across one wall that is pretty tall, like a bar, and there are rolly seats that you can sit at while at the counter. The Student Nurse was sitting at the counter, at the end, so I sit beside her. I was really tired so I throw my book bag on the floor and throw my lab coat on the counter. The Student Nurse and I talk for a little while, with me overusing the word "viscous". I was really thirsty, and she just wasn't budging, so I told her that my mouth felt very viscous. She told me that she didn't like that word, so I kept repeating it, trying to get her to leave.
Finally, she started to pack her stuff up. I pick up my book bag, throw it over my shoulders, then grab my lab coat. Apparently, my name tag on my lab coat got hung on the crack between the counter and the wall. I didn't notice that it was hung up, so I kept pulling on my lab coat. I feel a small snag, look back, and I see my name tag fall in the crack. Now, the crack is just big enough for my name tag to fit in there. And not much else can get int he crack because it is so teeny. You might think, "Doesn't the crack between the wall and the counter come out the bottom too?" No. It was caulked on the bottom and not the top. Now, that was not the smartest decision that a builder has ever made let me tell you.
So there my name tag, my precious name tag that I worked so hard for, lying in the crack between a wall and a counter. The Student Nurse doubles over laughing so hard while tears well up in my eyes. I can't see of any way that I am going to be able to get it out. But I am not going to give up without a fight. That is my name tag and the crack CANNOT HAVE IT!
The Student Nurse, between gasping breaths for air, mentions getting a nail file and trying to scoop out the name tag. I do happen to have a nail file in my bag, because I carry my whole life in my bag. I carry everything in my bag, except for my bed, and I have even Stumbled Upon beds that would probably fit in my bag, and I am going to look into it.
So I dig out my nail file, but it's too small to grab the name tag and scoop it out of the crack. I'm panicking. The thought of trying to find a janitor and telling him about my dilemma , and then making him take down the whole counter just so I can get my name tag crosses my mind. I would do it too.
However, before taking that drastic step, I get some random papers out of my bag and fold them over so they are a bit thick. I stick the papers down the crack...and I still can't get my name tag out. Ok, crack between the wall and the counter, you asked for it. It's on.
The Student Nurse, again coming up for air between laughing fits, tells me that I should sit on the edge of the counter, to see if I can make the crack a bit bigger. Now the thought that is running through my mind was this: "I'm going to sit on the edge of the counter, the counter is going to come unattached from the wall, and I and the counter are going to fall to the floor in a crumbling heap. And then I am going to have to explain to everyone how I ruined the computer lab." But, even tearing the counter away from the wall and possibly risking injury to myself, I know my name tag needs me.
So I climb on top of the counter (by standing on the rolly chairs mind you, not very safe). I lean over the crack and stick my folded up papers back in. Then, I scrap the papers along the crack and scoop upwards. What comes up along with the papers? MY NAME TAG!
I finally succeeded in retrieving it from the black depths of the crack. The crack was defeated!
I feel like such a hero.
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